4 Ways Landlords and Tenants Benefit from a Tenant Portal in Boulder, Colorado

4 Ways Landlords and Tenants Benefit from a Tenant Portal in Boulder, Colorado

Managing tenant issues isn't too hard when you first start. But when you start adding properties and dealing with more tenants, organization can become more of a headache. And when the average landlord manages three properties, that may happen to you.

That's where a tenant portal helps. These websites give property management companies a way to handle all tenant issues. Here is why both tenants and landlords should make use of this tool.

Better Organization

One of the primary benefits of a tenant portal is the organization it brings. On your own, you may put tenant and rental information in random places in your office and on your computer. You would need to develop an organizational system on your own to keep things straight.

Tenant portals will allow a property manager to handle everything in one place. This organization will make things easier and ensure everyone can always find what they need.

Online Access

On top of being able to organize your rental business in one place, tenant portals also allow online access to landlords and tenants. If you're on the go a lot, this will save a lot of time and hassle.

Additionally, tenants can log in and find all the information they need online. This means you'll get fewer calls from tenants asking for information.

Maintenance Requests

Communication with tenant issues is another plus of using a tenant portal. You may not want to be on call all the time. In cases like this, you need systems for tenants to notify you about problems.

Tenant portals make this easier for everyone. Your tenants don't need to worry about getting ahold of and bothering you. Instead, they submit maintenance requests online, and you can view them when you have time.

Online Payments

Rent collecting can be one of the more challenging parts of running a property. You have to offer several options for tenants who want to pay in different ways. That adds complexity you may not want.

However, a tenant portal can simplify things. You can set up a tenant portal to collect rent payments in whatever form the tenant needs. This money will automatically go to your accounts, making rent collection a much smoother process.

Data Safety

The other great thing about online portals for tenants is the safety they provide. You aren't storing information in an insecure location. Tenant portal websites work to create secure environments that protect data.

As a result, you need to worry much less about a data breach. Your tenant's data will remain safe and you won't need to worry about sensitive financial information getting out.

Invest in a Tenant Portal

You need to do whatever possible to reduce your workload as a property manager, and a tenant portal is the perfect way to do that. You and your tenants get a central location to manage communication, handle payments, and much more. Look for your tenant portal options to see which one will work best for your needs.

Are you looking for help with property management and a partner to help you set up a tenant portal? At PMI Coal Creek, we offer tenant services, property maintenance, and more to our clients. Contact us to learn more about what we offer.
